
Road to Sochi

Since we are in the middle of the winter Olympics I thought I should post some of my thoughts on the games. First I'd like to say am an very impressed with all the athletes; they make a lot of sacrifices for many years to make it to the Olympics knowing they may never make it and if they do they may not win the gold, or any medal. I can't imagine what it would be like to spend so many hours training for something, hoping for success with the knowledge it may be all in vain.

I've watched the devastated interviews with very talented athletes after a poor performance. Those interviewees seem all the more crushed if they are old enough to know their body won't be doing this for another four years; that moment of glory has been given to someone else often because of one bad day amongst many top notch days. Last night I witnessed an interview with an athlete who'd lost her chance at a second gold. She'd medaled (gold) four years prior and was seeking the chance to be the https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=3553104259236231487#editor/target=post;postID=5537668819431155028;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postnamefirst repeat gold medalist in her particular sport. It didn't happen due and she said her body wouldn't be able to handle another four years of training. Today I watched an athlete, favored to win, fall as she was skiing. She lie on the mountain for several minutes before getting up to ski the rest of the way down the hill. Of course a team of people were on their way to make sure she was alright. While I'm sure the fall did cause some level of pain but the moment of time spent on the ground was spent dealing with the reality that her medal had evaded her.

I LOVE watching the Olympics and observing people with talents so different from my own. I'm amazed at the dedication to push through without the promise of a medal. I don't think I handle disappointment well enough to even attempt something so huge. Knowing the chances of success are so small would probably keep me from even wanting to try.

So, what's justice got to do with it? As much as I love the games I also have some pretty big issues with them. A lot of injustices are committed in the name of The Games. Lets start with the games themselves; According to one reporter, who worked the 1988 games, many of the winners (while not staged) are chosen by something other than shear talent. Anthony Hembrick (an Olympic boxer, 1988) lost by forfeit, arriving 12 minutes late, when one of his couches screwed up the bus schedule. An appeal brought about no chance for a rematch. Cities also go into debt for the privilege of hosting the events. Vancouver spent more than $600 million, so much money the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee went bankrupt.

On to areas of (in my opinion) even greater importance. Host cities don't want to have their tourist attraction looking bad so homeless people are shipped out by any means necessary. For both Atlanta in 1996 and Sydney in 2000 the "solution" to visible homelessness was forcibly removing citizens from tourist areas. Of heard stories of the homeless being bussed out of their usual living area with the promise of a free meal. Upon arrival their is a cold sandwich awaiting them and no ride back where they came from.

This year we have the added concern of the host countries views (and laws) toward homosexuality. Human rights are being violated alongside our celebration of great athletic achievement. Allowing Russia to host such a globally unifying event could easily be construed as global consent, or at least tolerance, for their extremist actions toward the people living in their country. I don't think competitive spirit can trump the quest for human equality.
What is the solution to all of this injustice? Very rarely have I heard people suggest a boycotting of the games. Sometimes I believe this would be a logical approach; after all, if the games don't get the expected rating people in power will lose money and pay attention to change their approach. I, myself, have never taken the boycott approach to the Olympics. In all honesty I'm not sure if its because I disagree with the effectiveness or if its because I just don't want to give up watching something I enjoy. What are your thoughts.


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